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Kentucky Weather-Related Ag. Operations Calendar |
The Kentucky Crop Calendar has information concerning agricultural activities and when
they normally occur in Kentucky. Used along with USDA's Kentucky Crop and Weather Report,
this Calender provides meaningful information concerning the current crop year relative
to "normal." With time the U.K. Ag. Weather Center will add additional links concerning
"best or optimum weather" "worst-case weather" for each item on the calendar.
To view what normally occurs during a certain month click on a link below.
Latest Kentucky Crop and Weather Report (and archive)
Agricultural Communication Services Current Radio News Releases
Kentucky Agricultural Weather Forecast and Outlooks
Crop Resources
University of Kentucky:
Corn & Soybean Production Calendar
Online Publications
Agronomy List - a list of different agronomy publications from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Animal Science:
Animal Science List - a list of different animal publications from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Fruit Facts from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Home Vegetable Gardening from UK Cooperative Extension Service
Vegetable List - a list of different vegetable publications from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Kentucky Blue Mold Warning System from the University of Kentucky
Kentucky Pest News from the University of Kentucky
Kentucky Integrated Pest Management from the University of Kentucky
EntFacts from the University of Kentucky Department of Entomology
New Crop Opportunities Center
Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky