![[Header Map]](/images/header.gif)

Kentucky Mesonet Task Force
This web page is designed to provide information to and for the Kentucky Mesonet Task Force.
Results of Mesonet Survey,
Mesonet Survey
About the Mesonet : General info. about the mesonet.
Updates/News : Gives updates on the task
force and provides any new information.
Directory : A list of contact information of the
task force members.
Message Board : A place to pose questions or
comments to all the members of the task force.
References : A set of links to scientific papers
about other Mesonets in the U.S., especially the Oklahoma Mesonet.
Articles : A set of general news articles about various
mesonets in the U.S., especially the Oklahoma Mesonet.
Links : A listing of links to websites that members
might find useful.
Proposal : preliminary proposal.
What's New:
The first KMET Task Force meeting occured on May 31st. Thanks to Dr. Crawford for speaking to the group about the
Oklahoma Mesonet.
A KMET NET List Serve has been created to help promote discussion between Task Force Members.
First Task Force meeting set for May 31, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. EDT with Dr. Ken Crawford giving a presentation.
Dr. Ken Crawford, Director of the Oklahoma Mesonet, has agreed to talk to the newly formed mesonet task force.
If you would like to be added to our list serve please email tpriddy@ca.uky.edu
your name and email address.
Please send questions/comments about this web page to: emaxwell@ca.uky.edu
Last Updated: May 17, 2000