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Updates & News
About the Kentucky Mesonet Task Force
A listing of all Updates and News concerning the Kentucky Mesonet Task Force.
May 31, 2000: First Mesonet Task Force meeting. Thanks to Dr. Crawford for speaking to the group. Thanks to everyone who
attended the meeting.
May 17, 2000: A KMET NET List Serve has been created to promote discussion between Task Force members.
May 11, 2000: First Task Force meeting set for May 31, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. EDT with Dr. Ken Crawford, Director
of the Oklahoma Mesonet, giving a presentation.
May 9, 2000: Dr. Ken Crawford, Director of Oklahoma Mesonet, has agreed to speak to the Kentucky Mesonet
Task Force.
Please send questions/comments about this web page to: emaxwell@ca.uky.edu
Last Updated: May 17, 2000