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This is a page of scientific papers that have been written about other mesonets, especially the Oklahoma Mesonet.
Journal Articles
Brock, F.V., K.C. Crawford, R.L. Elliott, G.W. Cuperus, S.J. Stadler,
H.L. Johnson and M.D. Eilts. 1995. The Oklahoma Mesonet: A Technical Overview.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 12(1):5-19.
Brotzge, J.A. and K.C. Crawford. 1999. Estimating Sensible Heat Flux from the Oklahoma Mesonet.
Journal of Applied Meteorology in press for Dec 1999.
Elliott, R.L., F.V. Brock, M.L. Stone and S.L. Harp. 1994.
Configuration Decisions for an Automated Weather Station Network.
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 10(1):45-51.
Richardson, S.J. 1995. Automated Temperature and Relative Humidity
Calibrations for the Oklahoma Mesonetwork. Journal of Atmospheric and
Oceanic Technology 12(4):951-959.
Proceedings and Meeting Papers
Arndt, D.S., M.A. Shafer, S.E. Fredrickson and J.P. Bostic. 1998.
Quality Assurance at the Oklahoma Mesonet: A Systems Viewpoint.
Preprints, 10th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona,
January 11-16.
Basara, Jeffery B., Kenneth C. Crawford, Ronald L. Elliot.
"In-Situ Measurments of Soil Moisture from the Oklahoma Mesonet:
March-June 1997"
Brock, F.V. and S. Fredrickson. 1995. The Oklahoma Mesonet Barometer
Calibration System: High Quality, Practical and Cost-Effective.
Preprints, 9th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society, Charlotte, North
Carolina, March 27-31, pp. 459-464.
Brock, F.V. and S. Fredrickson. 1993. Oklahoma Mesonet Data Quality
Assurance. Preprints, 8th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society, Anaheim, California,
January 17-22, pp. 311-316.
Brock, F.V., S.J. Richardson and S.R. Semmer. 1995. Passive Multiplate
Solar Radiation Shields. Preprints, 9th Symposium on Meteorological
Observations and Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society,
Charlotte, North Carolina, March 27-31, pp. 329-334.
Brock, F.V., S.R. Semmer and C. Jirak. 1995. Passive Solar Radiation
Shields: Wind Tunnel Testing. Preprints, 9th Symposium on
Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation; American
Meteorological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 27-31, pp.179-183.
Brotzge, J.A., C.H. Marshall, Jr and K.C. Crawford. 1998. Estimating
Sensible Heat Flux from the Oklahoma Mesonet: A Comparison to ARM.
Preprints, 10th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, January 11-16.
Brotzge, J.A., S.J. Richardson, K.C. Crawford, T.W. Horst, F.V. Brock,
K.S. Humes, Z.Sorbjan and R.L. Elliott. 1999. The Oklahoma Atmospheric
Surface-Layer Instrumentation System (OASIS) Project. Preprints, 13th
Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence; American Meteorological
Society, Dallas, Texas, January 10-15.
Brotzge, J.A., S.J. Richardson, C.E. Dushon, S.E. Fredrickson and D.L.
Grimsley. 1999. Evaluation of a Domeless Net Radiometer. Preprints,
13th Conference on Boundary Layer and Turbulence, American
Meteorological Society, Dallas, Texas, January 10-15.
Crawford, K.C., D.S. Arndt, D.J. Shellberg and B.M. Brus. 1995. A
Comparison of Differences in Meteorological Measurements Made by the
Oklahoma Mesonetwork at Two Co-Located ASOS Sites. Preprints, 11th
Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems for
Meteorology, Hydrology and Oceanography; American Meteorological
Society, Dallas, Texas, January 15-20, pp. 299-303.
Crawford, K.C., F.V. Brock, R.L. Elliott, G.W. Cuperus, S.J. Stadler,
H.L. Johnson and C. A. Doswell. 1992. The Oklahoma Mesonetwork - A 21st
Century Project. Preprints, 8th International Conference on Interactive
Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and
Hydrology; American Meteorological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, January 5-10, pp. 27-33.
Crawford, K.C. and B. Long. 1993. The Design of a Digital Data
Communications System for the Oklahoma Mesonet. Reprints, 9th
International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing
Systems; American Meteorological Society, Anaheim, California, January 17-22.
Elliott, R.L., F.V. Brock, M.L. Stone and S.L. Harp. 1992. Configuring
the Oklahoma Mesonetwork of Automated Weather Stations. Paper No.922149,
International Summer Meeting; American Society of Agricultural Engineers,
Charlotte, North Carolina, June 21-24.
Elliott, R.L., K.C. Crawford, F. Brock, G.W. Cuperus, S.J. Stadler,
H.L. Johnson and C.A. Doswell III. 1991. Mesonet: Oklahoma's Automated
Weather Network. Paper No. 91-4071, International Summer Meeting;
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Minnesota, June 23-26.
Elliott, R.L., P.R. Houser, and B.P. Mohanty. 1999. Inter-Comparison of
Three Methods for Measuring Soil Moisture During SGP97. Preprints, 14th
Conference on Hydrology; American Meteorological Society, Dallas,Texas,
January 10-15, pp. 16-19.
Fisher, D.K. and R.L. Elliott. 1994. Experiences with Remote, Low-Cost,
Weighing Lysimeters. Paper No. 92-2077, International Summer Meeting;
American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Kansas City, Missouri, June 19-22.
Fredrickson, S.E., J.A. Brotzge, D. Grimsley and F.V. Brock. 1998. An
Unusual Oklahoma Mesonet Temperature Sensor Problem (Nearly) Slips by
Insitu, Real-Time, Short Term and Long Term QA Efforts...And Why This
Could Happen to You. Preprints, 10th Symposium on Meteorological
Observations and Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society,
Phoenix, Arizona, January 11-16.
Hughes, T.W., M.A. Shafer and W.G. McPherson, Jr. 1994. Sharing
Oklahoma Mesonet Data via Public Display Terminals. 10th International
Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for
Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology; American Meteorological
Society, Nashville, Tennessee, January 23-28, pp. 120-124.
Morris, D.A. 1994. Interactive Display of Oklahoma Mesonet Data for
Public Service Agencies. Preprints, 10th International Conference on
Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology,
Oceanography, and Hydrology; American Meteorological Society,
Nashville, Tennessee, January 23-28, pp. 137-142.
Richardson, S.J. and F.V. Brock. 1995. Passive Solar Radiation Shields:
Energy Budget -Optimizing Shield Design. Preprints, 9th Symposium on
Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation; American
Meteorological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 27-31, pp.259-264.
Richardson, S.J. and F.V. Brock. 1993. Temperature & Relative Humidity
Probe Calibration and Intercomparison for the Oklahoma Mesonet.
Preprints, 8th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society, Anaheim, California,
January 17-22, pp. 281-286.
Richardson, S.J., S.E. Fredrickson, F.V. Brock and J.A. Brotzge. 1998.
Combination Temperature and Relative Humidity Probes: Avoiding Large
Air Temperature Errors and Associated Relative Humidity Errors.
Preprints, 10th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and
Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society, Phoenix, Arizona, January 11-16.
Shafer, M.A. and T.W. Hughes. 1996. Automated Quality Assurance of Data
from the Oklahoma Mesonetwork. Preprints, 12th International Conference
on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology,
Oceanography, and Hydrology; American Meteorological Society, Atlanta,
Georgia, January 28 - February 2, pp. 340-343.
Shafer, M.A., T. Hughes and J.D. Carlson. 1993. The Oklahoma Mesonet:
Site Selection and Layout. Preprints, 8th Symposium on Meteorological
Observations and Instrumentation; American Meteorological Society,
Anaheim, California, January 17-22, pp. 231-236.
Stadler, S., F. Brock, K. Crawford, G. Cuperus, C. Doswell, R. Elliott
and H. Johnson. 1991. Geographical Aspects of the Oklahoma Automated
Mesonetwork. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
San Diego, California, April 18-22.
Theses and Dissertations
Brotzge, J.A. 1997. A Preliminary Evaluation to Measuring Sensible Heat
Fluxes using the Oklahoma Mesonet. M.S. Thesis, School of Meteorology,
University of Oklahoma, Norman.
Fisher, D.K. 1995. Evapotranspiration Measurements and Resistance
Parameter Estimation under Range/Pasture Conditions in Oklahoma. Ph.D.
Dissertation, Biosystems Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Richardson, S.J. 1992. Automated Temperature and Relative Humidity
Calibrations for the Oklahoma Mesonetwork. M.S. Thesis, School of
Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman.
OK Mesonet: More Detailed List
Please send questions/comments about this web page to: emaxwell@ca.uky.edu
Last Updated: May 10, 2000